
Recession or Not, How Retailers Can Be Better Prepared Through AI Forecasting

Thriving in Recession: How AI Forecasting Can Prepare Retailers

AI forecasting systems can be modeled to help retailers manage data and business complexity by predicting the shelf movements of goods at a large scale. It enables the retailers to operate optimally during the tough cycles and minimize their sales volume disruptions. Let’s assume you are running a retail store. Prices are going up, consumer spending

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Cluster Analysis 101 in Data- Driven Decision Making

Cluster Analysis 101 in Data- Driven Decision Making

Any organization that needs to discover distinct groupings of consumers, sales transactions, or other types of behaviors and items may find cluster analysis to be a helpful data-mining tool. For instance, banks employ cluster analysis for credit rating and insurance companies use it to identify fraudulent claims. And we know, all the organization domains would

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Tableau- A Contemporary Approach to BI and Analytics

Tableau – A Contemporary Approach to BI and Analytics

With growing demand for data there’s an increasingly growing competitive business intelligence and analytics market. Today, we believe a critical aspect of assessing modern BI solutions is to understand more than the present capabilities of various software. Here’s when Tableau comes handy in Business Intelligence solution. This is why Tableau is distinguished from other business

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