
AI in Sports: Current Use Cases and Future Challenges

AI in Sports: Current Use Cases and Future Challenges

Artificial Intelligence in sports was rare just five years ago. But now AI is making its way into many sports industry applications, from chatbots to computer vision and beyond. Let’s take a simple scenario: AI, when coupled with sensors, can transform how we measure players’ performance. It can measure the body functions of athletes such

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Top AI based Medical Imaging Tools In 2021

Top AI based Medical Imaging Tools In 2021

Abstract For many years, medical imaging has been essential in the diagnosis and monitoring of major diseases. Improves the efficiency and value of health services. Medical imaging is the use of many different technologies to generate images of parts of the body, tissues, or organs for clinical diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of diseases. Technology is

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Set-up a development environment for pyspark

Set – up a development environment for pyspark

Spark is the most popular, fast and reliable cluster computing technology. Comparing with other computing technology, it provides implicit data parallelism and default fault tolerance. In addition, it integrates smoothly with HIVE and HDFS and provides a seamless experience of parallel data processing. By default, Spark SQL does not run on some OS and require

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Airflow orchestration for big data organisations

Airflow Orchestration is the most powerful platforms used for orchestrating workflows by Data Scientist and Engineers. Airflow was already gaining momentum among the data community going beyond hard-core data engineers. Airflow maintains the complexity and ensures the system is scalable and performant. In this article series, we will walk you through Airflow overview, approaches, concepts,

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