November 2020

Set-up a development environment for pyspark

Set – up a development environment for pyspark

Spark is the most popular, fast and reliable cluster computing technology. Comparing with other computing technology, it provides implicit data parallelism and default fault tolerance. In addition, it integrates smoothly with HIVE and HDFS and provides a seamless experience of parallel data processing. By default, Spark SQL does not run on some OS and require […]

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Airflow orchestration for big data organisations

Airflow Orchestration is the most powerful platforms used for orchestrating workflows by Data Scientist and Engineers. Airflow was already gaining momentum among the data community going beyond hard-core data engineers. Airflow maintains the complexity and ensures the system is scalable and performant. In this article series, we will walk you through Airflow overview, approaches, concepts,

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Anticipating customer behavior through market basket analysis

Anticipating customer behavior through market basket analysis

Market Basket Analysis: What is it? Market Basket Analysis is an analytical technique that provides great insights into predicting what would a customer probably purchase in the future. As one of the most widely used concepts in Retail business, MBA helps boost sales, analyze sales patterns of any product, customer purchase patterns via online browsing

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Performance improvement tips in kafka- 1

Optimizing Kafka: Architecture Insights and Performance Tips

Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated, log service that is a massively scalable pub/sub message queue architected as a distributed transaction log. It provides a unified platform for handling all the real-time data feeds a large company might have. In our last article series of Kafka, we learned about its brief regarding introduction, function and

Optimizing Kafka: Architecture Insights and Performance Tips Read More »

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